The background to this came from a conversation I was having with a fellow Executive Recruiter, Gary Collins where we were discussing the challenges hiring managers were facing when looking to hire senior level executives in to their businesses, and why they were failing to attract the top 1% of talent in the market.
To watch the unedited conversation in its entirety click here
During a conversation with a senior level executive he commented that although his organisation had their own internal recruitment team and PSL he felt that the quality of candidates that he was interviewing was not of the calibre he needed to take the business to the next level.
On delving a little deeper it transpired that the way external recruitment agencies were engaged with was on a contingency (no hire no fee) basis and whilst this may seem like a good idea you have to understand that contingency recruiters will tend to have access to a very narrow pool of candidates, typically those whose CV’s are posted on job boards and due to the fact that they usually work on a 20% fill rate the focus is on speed over quality.
The implication to the business were quite evident based on the hiring managers comments, he was receiving numerous CV’s but the quality of these did not met his specific requirements. Which meant he spent precious time reviewing CV’s and interviewing candidates that were not suitable. Ultimately not being in a position to fill what was now becoming an urgent need.
The solution to this was to be working with a recruitment partner on a retained basis that has the market knowledge and expertise to identify the best candidates for the role as opposed to those that are actively seeking a new job. In this scenario the recruiter is contractually committed on delivering on the assignment.
If you would you like to be in a position to be able to attract the top 1% of talent within the food ingredients sector Simply Click Here to get your free eBook 'Why You’re Losing The War For Senior Executives Within The Food Ingredients Sector…' alternatively please click her Click here to schedule an appointment with me